SKYPE is the Best Audio-Video chat Software which is used in all world.SKYPE has the facility to send text message,Video message,Group chat,video Calling group chat.SKYPE also has the facility to call the Land-line Numbers and as well as to Mobile numbers.SKYPE also has PREMIUM accounts which include more facilities for their users but those accounts charges monthly.
SKYPE was introduced to Internet Technology in 2003, But now it is used for calling to Mobiles,Landlines at Cheap Prices.SKYPE is running on P2P Technology.The quality of Internet Connection connects is very much important for SKYPE Performance.If Internet Connection has Good Speed,Then SKYPE will work FAST like Conservation History,File Transfer,Video Chating etc.When you want to start using SKYPE,First you will download the SKYPE from SKYPE Homepage or From The Given Page.
When SKYPE is downloaded and installed,then you will need to create a new SKYPE account,If you have old one use that.While creating new SKYPE choose a unique SKYPE username,which can not be change later on.You can search your Friends,Family Members from search section.You can also invite someone to SKYPE.SKYPE Voice call has conference Calling facility and One to One Call Facility.SKYPE has also Secure File Transfer Facility.Video Chat can only be done on High Bandwidth Internet Connection and keep Happy their users to chat with Family,Friends internally.SKYPE has Facility to share the screen with the desired partner for marketing purposes.
SKYPE has text message,Video chat,share screen,conference calling features.The users of SKYPE Premium account has facility to call Land-line and Mobile Numbers with Premium Paid Service-with Fast Internet Connection users are not facing problem using Video chat,Audio chat,Conference calling.SKYPE software also has Facility to manage SKYPE Profile and many other function too.If you the readers are looking for outstanding chat software,So i will recommend you to use SKYPE.It is reliable and easy to use VoIP client you’ll find it hard to beat Skype. Microsoft Has Purchased SKYPE in 2011 and has edited SKYPE in messaging and other Functions to provide Good Software and Service to their users.
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